EP257: Busting Gut Healing Myths (The Truth About Fiber) with Dr. Ruscio
Contrary to popular belief, fiber and prebiotics are not always beneficial for gut health.
Nor is the paleo diet always enough to heal digestive issues.
Which is why in this week’s podcast clinical researcher and best-selling author, Dr. Ruscio, breaks down common gut myths and offers practical, non-dogmatic steps we can take today to improve digestive health. Here are some of the awesome tidbits you are in for...
- Three steps you can take today to improve your gut
- The diet to start with if you still have gut issues on paleo
- Why your environment is more important than FOOD for gut health
- Why we know more fiber isn’t good for everyone
- Is coffee gut friendly?
- How to know if you should go low carb
- Why most gut testing is not always accurate
- The little-known cause of rosacea
- The population who may benefit from grains
- A simple dietary strategy that quickly restores gut health
- What an elemental diet is and who it can help
- Why you don’t need gut symptoms to have gut issues
- The common type of coffee that can contain gluten
- Why stressful exposures (dirt, exercise, cold exposure) are important for gut health
- The link between gut health and autoimmune conditions
- Common (yet little-known) causes of gut dysfunction
- And so much more!
This was easily one of my favorite podcasts to date - and I sincerely hope you love it as much as I did! Please share it with anyone you think it might help.
Valuable Resources:
Dr. Ruscio - Gut Health Expert
Learn More About Dr. Ruscio Here!
Paleovalley 100% Grass Fed Beef Sticks
Get up to 24% OFF these gut healthy, probiotic packed snacks HERE!
Michael Ruscio is a doctor, clinical researcher and best-selling author whose practical ideas on healing chronic illness have made him an influential voice in functional and alternative medicine. His work has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals and he speaks at integrative medical conferences across the globe. Dr. Ruscio also runs an influential website and podcast at DrRuscio.com, in addition to his clinical practice located in Austin, Texas.
Thanks for Listening!
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