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The Paleovalley

Paleovalley is not just another health company; we are passionate about making a real difference in the way people nourish their bodies. Our products are the result of rigorous research and a deep understanding of the synergistic power of natural, whole foods.

Paleovalley Box
Paleovalley Products

The “Health Food”

In today's health food market, it's hard to distinguish truly nutritious products from those that only claim to be. Despite their healthy labels, many ingredients are not organic, are overly processed, and contain synthetic nutrients, seed oils, sugars, sugar alcohols or other potentially harmful additives.

Paleovalley stands out by committing to genuine, whole-food ingredients that support your health as nature intended. We prioritize quality over cost, ensuring our products are organic and free from unnecessary additives.

Our approach is not just about offering more nourishing products; it's about integrity, transparency, and a commitment to your well-being. With Paleovalley, you're choosing a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle supported by a family-owned company that truly cares.


Our commitment to wellness extends beyond the label, diving deep into the origins of our ingredients to guarantee they meet our stringent standards for purity and nutritional value. We partner with farmers and producers who share our dedication to regenerative agriculture and ethical sourcing, ensuring that our products not only nourish your body but also support the health of the planet.

Things We Love:

  • Heart Icon
  • Nutrient-dense ingredients
  • Pasture Icon
  • Regenerative farming
  •  Apple Icon
  • Whole foods
  • USA Icon
  • Small-scale American farmers
  • Leaf Icon
  • Organic (whenever
    and wherever possible)
  • Bannana Icon
  • Superfoods

The Paleovalley

“Never Ever” List

In a world where "healthy" often comes with caveats, Paleovalley stands out by making a promise to deliver truly nourishing products.

We prioritize nutrient-density in our products while also eliminating any potentially harmful ingredients. Our 'Never Ever' list offers peace of mind, knowing that you're consuming products free from anything we promise to never use:




No corn


No artificial nitrates or nitrites


No refined sugar


No grains


No synthetic nutrients


No sugar alcohols


No processed salt


No factory farming


No seed oils


No ultra-processing


No carageenan


No gluten


No artificial dyes or sweeteners




No soy

The Paleovalley Story

Paleovalley Founders

Paleovalley was born from necessity when co-founder Autumn Smith endured over a decade of severe digestive issues that no expert could resolve.

Alongside her husband Chas, they discovered the transformative power of an ancestral diet, which not only cured Autumn's IBS but also propelled her into a career in holistic nutrition. Frustrated by the lack of genuinely healthy food products that were more than just buzzwords like "gluten-free" or "natural," Autumn and Chas, with Chas' brother and another close friend, founded Paleovalley. Their mission: to offer nutrient-dense products that truly enhance health, made with integrity and free from harmful ingredients.

Paleovalley is more than a brand; it's their way of inspiring others to make dietary choices that nurture well-being. Their commitment is to health over profit, creating products that reflect their family's vibrant lifestyle and hope to bring the same to yours.