EP86: The Truth About Probiotics with Kiran Krishnan
Kiran Krishnan is a Research Microbiologist and has been involved in the dietary supplement and nutrition market for the past 17 years. He comes from a strict research background having spent several years with hands-on R&D in the fields of molecular medicine and microbiology at the University of Iowa. Kiran also established a Clinical Research Organization where he designed and conducted dozens of human clinical trials in human nutrition.
Here's what you'll learn:
- The movie that made Kiran become a microbiologist
- The most shocking and important findings of The Human Microbiome Project
- Why microbiologists are suddenly the cool kids on the block
- The leading cause of mortality worldwide and how to fix it
- The reason his probiotic is the MOST paleo probiotic on the market
- Where probiotics are derived and why it matters
- Why most probiotics on the market are made by marketers
- The shortcomings of most probiotics
- What characterizes a great probiotic
- One probiotic that is changing the game for many people (including healing leaky gut!)
- Why rotating your probiotics isn't necessary
- Why eating our beef sticks is a VERY good idea
- 4 ways to cultivate gut health today
- Where you should shop to find foods that promote bacterial diversity
- How to take a probiotic to avoid adverse reactions
- The one piece of advice Kiran wished he had known 20 years ago
- And much more!
- Learn More About Just Thrive Probiotics (Get 15% OFF with Just Thrive Discount Code: PALEO15)
- Find Megaspore Probiotics Near You
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