EP. 23: How To Deactivate Your FAT Programs & Lose Those Stubborn Pounds For Good!
In 2001 Jon Gabriel weighed 409 pounds. Even though he was almost ready to give up, Jon developed his own approach and lost more than 200 pounds without dieting, pills, or surgery. He also stopped feeling stressed and overworked and started living the life of his dreams. His book The Gabriel Method is an international bestseller with over 350,000 readers worldwide.
Here's what you'll learn:
- How he lost 220 pounds and has kept if off for 11 years
- Why he thinks calories in, calories out is "kindergarten medicine"
- Why being overweight is not your fault
- Why diet and exercise does always help everyone lose weight
- Why excess weight is NOT your enemy
- What FAT programs are and how they inhibit weight loss
- How to deactivate FAT programs so you can stop chronic weight gain
Check out Jon Gabriel's website here:
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