EP63: Natural Birth, Breast Milk & Nourishing Babies with Megan Garcia
Megan has a bachelor’s degree in American Literature from UCLA and a master’s degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine. She is a writer, student, teacher, wife, and mother who works with Chinese herbs and Chinese massage. She's also been teaching others about the immune system and gut health for over 6 years!
She is knowledgable, kind and incredibly passionate about all things BABY.
So if you're feeling confused about how to nourish your little one, please listen to our podcast, and walk away with tools that enable you to feed your baby with CONFIDENCE.
Here's what you'll learn:
- The different birthing methods and how to choose the best for you!
- What you need to know if you have a C-section
- The lifelong impacts of caesarean birth
- How to mitigate the negative effects of caesarean birth
- How a mamma's diet affects her breastmilk
- Why what YOU are eating now affects what your baby's future dietary habits
- How your gut and breastmilk are related
- How your genes affect your breastmilk
- Whether or not the supplemental nutrients make it into your breast milk
- The benefits of extended breastfeeding
- When to stop breastfeeding
- How to supercharge your breast milk supply
- The 4 major nutrients exclusively breastfed babies may be missing out on
- What delayed cord clamping is and how it can prevent nutrient deficiencies
- Why DHA supplementation is very important for pregnant mamma's
- Her favorite DHA supplement
- Why probiotic supplements can improve mineral counts
- Her favorite probiotics for moms and babies
- The best first foods for baby and when to introduce them
- Her favorite first SUPERfood for babies
- Foods that actually block mineral absorption for babies
- Why egg yolk can be problematic for babies
- Why babies shouldn't be drinking much water
- WHEN babies should be eating for best results
- A nighttime tonic that can help your toddler sleep
- Which probiotic strains the literature has shown are effective for colic
- Tips for taking care of mommas
- The benefits of infant massage
- And much more!
Check out Megan's website here:
Thanks for listening!
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