EP165: How To Stay Fit While Traveling With Rob Dionne
In the past few months I’ve been traveling like a maniac! From Austin, TX to Vale, CO over to Scottsdale, AZ and I’ll be off to Los Angeles in just a few short weeks. And as I am sure you know, traveling is STRESSFUL. It’s awesome and exciting and I love it, but it can also single handedly kill your health groove and momentum, if you let it. Believe me, I see it all the time in people I work with, and I’ve also experienced it myself. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way! With a little strategy, you can travel your heart out and keep your health in check. All you have to do is listen to this week’s podcast with former actor, fitness trainer and founder of Open Sky Fitness, Rob Dionne. And don’t forget to share this awesome info with all the wanderlusts in your life. <3
Show Notes:
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