EP140: Ketotarian with Dr. Will Cole
Did you know that there is a MAJOR problem with most keto approaches?
Well there is.
Most of them revolve around high amounts of poor quality dairy and contain far too few non-starchy vegetables. As a result, many keto dieters are riddled with inflammation and may end up with poor gut health despite their diligent adherence to their low-carb diet.
The good news?
Dr. Will Cole, author of the super popular book, Ketotarian, has created a keto approach focused on only whole, anti-inflammatory foods which can actually help you experience the full range of keto benefits. He’s also included vegetarian, pescatarian and vegan options so anyone and everyone can learn to do keto RIGHT.
In case you haven’t heard…
Dr. Will Cole is a leading functional medicine expert specializing in thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal dysfunctions, digestive disorders, and brain issues. He is the author of the recently released Ketotarian. Dr. Cole graduated from Southern California University of Health Sciences as a doctor of chiropractic, and his extensive post-doctorate education and training is in functional medicine and clinical nutrition. Dr. Cole consults people around the world via webcam at [url=http://www.drwillcole.com]http://www.drwillcole.com[/url] and locally in Pittsburgh. He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
So check out today’s excellent podcast to get all the juicy details about one of the best and most balanced keto approaches I’ve seen.
We also talk a lot about autoimmune conditions and what it takes to treat them for good, so if you (or someone you know or love) is suffering please listen in and pass this life-changing information along.
Dr. Will Cole is a leading functional medicine expert specializing in thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, hormonal dysfunctions, digestive disorders, and brain issues. He is the author of the recently released Ketotarian. Dr. Cole graduated from Southern California University of Health Sciences as a doctor of chiropractic, and his extensive post-doctorate education and training is in functional medicine and clinical nutrition. Dr. Cole consults people around the world via webcam at [url=http://www.drwillcole.com]http://www.drwillcole.com[/url] and locally in Pittsburgh. He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Thanks for listening!
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