EP134: Sustainability, Veganism, & The Benefits of High Quality Animal Products With Diana Rodgers
Did you know that certain types of beef can sequester carbon and IMPROVE environmental health?
I know it sounds insane based on what you’ve likely heard in the popular press, but it’s true.
Now I’m not talking about beef raised in Confined Animal Feeding Operations (of course), but grass fed and finished beef raised on holistically managed pastures. In other words, it’s not the beef that is the problem, but the way it is raised. So if you want to learn about how grass fed beef improves the environment (which is quantifiable and has been confirmed in the research) then stop what you’re doing and listen to my fascinating interview with Diana Rodgers.
Diana Rodgers, RD, LDN is a “real food” Licensed Registered Dietitian Nutritionist living on a working organic farm west of Boston. She runs an active nutrition practice where she help people with weight, metabolic, and intestinal issues recover their health through diet and lifestyle. She’s also an author, host The Sustainable Dish Podcast, and the mom of two active kids. She speaks at universities and conferences internationally about nutrition and sustainability, social justice, animal welfare and food policy issues.
Diana. Is. AWESOME.
We had wayyyy too much fun and also talked about the benefits of high quality animal products, the irreversible danger associated with vegan diets for kids and whether she regrets being trained as a dietician.
So listen in and share this important information with anyone you know and love.
(Not to mention anyone who harasses you for consuming meat due to its “harmful” effects on the environment).
It’s time to spread the good word!
Have a beautiful day!
Find Diana here: https://sustainabledish.com/
Find her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SustainableDish/
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