EP. 20: The World’s Finest Gut Healing Bone Broth With Lance Roll!
Chef Lance is a certified executive chef and spent 3 years teaching professionally at The San Diego Culinary institute. Chef lance was dubbed the Flavor chef During this time by Students and Faculty at SDCI. In 2007 Chef Lance began his entrepreneurial venture opening up The Flavor Chef, a catering and personal chef service company. That same year chef Lance met His first mentor Paul Chek who introduced him to the work of the Weston A. Price foundation. In November of 2007 Chef Lance received what he dubs Direct inspiration to bring Bone broth to the market and he's been making organic bone broth ever since!
In today's show you'll learn:
- Why he was inspired to bring bone broth to the masses
- Why the ancient practice of drinking bone broth fell out of favor
- How bone broth can heal your gut
- How bone broth can help heal your bones (hint: it's not because of the calcium!)
- How to source the perfect bone broth ingredients
- Why roasting your bones creates a richer flavor
- What type of water he uses for his broth
- What bones you should be using for maximum collagen content
- How you can get organic bone broth delivered straight to your front door
He also provides a 10% discount for our listeners!
Check out Lance Roll's website below and use coupon code "pv10" at checkout:
Connect with Lance on Facebook:
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