EP169: Cultivating Kitchen Confidence With Leanne Ely
Confession time: I am NOT great in the kitchen.
I mean, I LOVE food and am fascinated by its incredible potential for transforming our health, but when it comes to preparing it…I’ve got a lot of room to grow. And honestly, being intimidated by cooking is a common complaint I hear from the people I work with.
Thankfully, I have finally found a solution for us all!
My good friend Leanne Ely (aka the dinner party QUEEN) and the creator of Saving Dinner is on a mission to bring dinner back to American dinner tables via her NutriCoach School Program.
This program consolidates her 30 years of nutrition + kitchen experience and provides instructional videos so you can learn the kitchen skills you need to feel like a kitchen goddess and prepare nutritionally-intelligent nourishing meals.
And because every single meal you feed to your family literally has the power to positively (or negatively) impact their genetic and future health, there is almost nothing more important.
She has decided to take me under her wing (she even bought my little Maverick a kid-friendly knife set for his 4th birthday) and you can learn all about her incredible program and how to get your little ones excited about healthy food in this week’s podcast, Cultivating Kitchen Confidence with Leanne Ely!
Don’t forget to share this fun conversation if you feel so inspired. <3
Show Notes
Learn More About NutriCoach School and Certification Here!
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