EP157: Improving Mental Health with Epigenetics, Diet & Exercise with Alex Swanson
If there is ONE thing that concerns me deeply, it’s the fact that mental health issues are on the rise in a big way. In fact, according to the WHO, between 1990 and 2013 the number of people suffering from depression and/or anxiety increased by almost 50%!
Today, depression is the major cause of suicide, certain people become suicidal shortly after using antidepressants and almost ⅓ of of those treated with antidepressant therapy, do NOT respond.
That. Is. Terrifying.
But the great news is, there are MANY natural and effective interventions that are rarely discussed. Take exercise for example. Did you know that people are attracted to different types of exercise because it naturally balances their brain chemistry?
I have ALWAYS loved long runs. My husband thinks it’s insane that I feel AWESOME after running 5-7 miles, but it turns out, my long runs are helping to handle the excess glutamate in my brain.
For me, aerobic exercise (30 minutes a day 5 days a week) can actually override my 10x increased risk of Alzheimer’s, due to having both Alzheimer’s genes.
But for my husband, aerobic exercise isn’t as beneficial or necessary.
(And boyyyyyyy did he love to learn that!:)
My point is….if you experience anxiety, depression, ADHD, brain fog, carb cravings, irritability or other brain-based issues, there are simple and side-effect free ways to find balance. All you have to do is listen to this week’s podcast Improving Mental Health with Epigenetics, Diet & Exercise with Alex Swanson of Nutrition Genome for all the juicy details.
Use code “Paleovalley” to save 10%
Alex is one of 2 people I’ve had on our podcast 3 times because he’s just THAT smart. What he has to say you will not hear anywhere else and I urge you to drop what you’re doing and listen in asap!
Please share this info with anyone you know who may benefit as well.
Oh, and if you haven’t had epigenetic testing yet, use the code “paleovalley” to get 10% off at nutritiongenome.com. His testing is the most comprehensive and his report is food-focused (meaning he will not try and sell you a million supplements).
Alex is a personal friend and a genius so listen in and let me know what you think!
Thanks for listening!
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