EP145: Nurturing Children into GREATNESS with Howard Glasser
Have you ever read a book that hit you square in the chest?
That spoke to your heart in such a way that you knew that the way you see the world had just changed FOREVER?
Well this is exactly what happened to me when I read the book, Notching Up the Nurtured Heart Approach by Howard Glasser. It was recommended to me by my little guy Maverick’s teacher who said my “spirited little boy” would benefit greatly from this approach.
After the first chapter, I knew that this was one of the most pivotal moments in my motherhood and that I was going to do my best to tell everyone I knew about this book.
Howard Glasser, creator of the Nurtured Heart Approach, is a psychotherapist, author, and Board Chairman of the Children’s Success Foundation. He has authored 15 books including Transforming the Difficult Child, which remains bestselling on ADHD. He has been featured on CNN and in Esquire as well as many other avenues of media.
Howard spends much of his time providing trainings to parents, educators, treatment professionals and those wishing to have transformative impact. He has been called the most influential living person working to have children free of medications and lives of greatness. His work is currently being research by Rutgers University and the University of Arizona, where he guest lectures at the School of Public Health as well as at Dr. Andrew Weil’s Integrative Medicine residency program.
This. Man. Is. A. Genius.
If you are a parent or someone looking to improve your relationships, please please PLEASE do not miss this chat. We talk all about:
- What children are really looking for (this surprised me!)
- Why most kid misbehave
- How to stop the cycle of misbehavior in its tracks
- How to inspire greatness in even the most difficult children
- Why time outs are NOT always effective
- How to transform your child-parent relationship today
- I know we usually talk about nutrition, but this conversation around EMOTIONAL NUTRITION, is just as important for a vibrant, joyful life and what I learned from this brilliant, brilliant man is too good not to share.
I hope you love our chat as much as I did!
Thanks for listening!
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