EP132: Healing Fatty Liver Disease with Dr. Mona Morstein
There is a version of Fatty Liver Disease called Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) characterized by by an accumulation of fat in the liver that can develop due to a poor quality diet, high blood sugar and insulin resistance. Worst of all?
Many times there are no symptoms.
Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to prevent and reverse NAFLD which is why today’s podcast is an enlightening little discussion with an expert on all things diabetes and NAFLD, Dr. Mona Morstein.
Dr. Mona Morstein has been a practicing naturopathic physician for thirty years. She practiced for thirteen years in Montana, and then joined Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine where she was Chair of Nutrition, Gastroenterology professor and Clinical Supervisor. She is now back in private practice at her own clinic, Arizona Integrative Medical Solutions, in Tempe, AZ.Dr.
So tune in, learn all about how to prevent NAFLD, share this life-changing information with anyone who might benefit and have yourself a beautiful day.
In Health,
Find everything about Dr. Morstein at: DrMorstein.com
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