EP. 08: How Jimmy Moore Lost 180 Pounds on a Ketogenic Diet
Listen as Jimmy Moore shares his remarkable story of how, after attempting a plethora of diets, a ketogenic approach finally enabled him to lose 180-pounds and come off prescription drugs for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and respiratory problems. He was so inspired and empowered by his experience that he has since dedicated his life to spreading the word about ketogenic diets and is now the host of one of the top-ranked iTunes health podcasts, "The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show," and the author of Keto Clarity among other books. Jimmy is incredibly knowledgable and tons of fun so don't miss out! In today's show you'll learn:
- How he lost 100 pounds in 100 days following a diet that mainstream medicine says is dangerous
- The #1 mistake most people make that keeps them out of ketosis
- Why a low carb diet is NOT the same as a ketogenic diet
- Why he felt compelled to testify before the 2010 dietary guidelines panel
- How you need to eat to get into ketosis
Check out Jimmy's Moore's Livin' La Vida Low Carb Site here:
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