EP225: A Simple Way To Lose Weight, Build Muscle Mass & Prevent Hunger with Dr. Wilson & Allison Roberts
Many people today are restricting their diet and killing themselves at the gym to lose weight, yet aren't seeing results.
But what if I told you there is a MUCH better way.
A FREE strategy you could employ at home in minutes a day to lose weight, build muscle mass and stay hunger-free.
And that this simple strategy has already helped thousands of people and was created by a world-renowned thyroid expert who has been training physicians for 30 years.
Would you try it?
If you said “YES” (and I hope you did) tune in now to today’s podcast with the brilliant author of The Power of Fastercise, Dr. Denis Wilson and his daughter and co-founder, Allison Roberts.
Here are some of the highlights from our chat...
- The TRUE purpose of a morning stretch
- Why fasting can lead to muscle loss (and how to prevent it)
- The 2 exercises you should do to prevent muscle loss while fasting
- The hormone you need to preserve muscle and build fat (and how to increase levels)
- How to know you are fastercising correctly
- How to use fastercise to reduce aging in your face
- The 2 BEST times to use fastercise during the day
- How many times a day you should use fastercise for best results
- What brown fat is - why you want it - and how to get more of it
- What Dr. Wilson thinks is the best diet for building muscle
- Dr. Wilson’s best diet for fat loss
- Why your body is more like a chemistry lab than a calculator
- And so much more!
Resources We Mention:
Get 15% off Fastercise Coaching at Fastercise.com through February 2020 with Coupon Code: PaleoPod15
Denis Wilson is a medical doctor and world-renowned thyroid health and metabolism pioneer and has been training physicians on these topics for almost 30 years. His latest book, The Power of Fastercise, puts excellent fitness within reach of practically anyone by leveraging the ancestral workings of the human body to deliver a safe, fun, effective, and time-efficient lifestyle approach. He and his daughter, Allison Roberts, have co-founded the company Fastercise to provide coaching and training to individuals, companies, and medical practices. They are both passionate about refreshing human fitness the world over.
Thanks for listening!
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