EP220: Anemia, Autophagy, Copper Toxicity & Vitamin A with Morley Robbins
Many Americans have been told to avoid dietary cholesterol at one time or another.
One of the unfortunate consequences of following this advice, is that many Americans also unintentionally eliminated the richest dietary sources of vitamin A - liver, eggs and cream. Given that we REQUIRE vitamin A (especially the retinol form found in animal products) for things like
- Eye health
- Immune function
- Healthy reproduction
- Clear skin
- Energy production
- Thyroid Health
- Autophagy
According to this week’s podcast guest, creator of the Root Cause Protocol, Morley Robbins, this avoidance of vitamin A rich foods,
“ is one of the most devastating events in our nutritional history.”
So if you’re getting sick more often than you’d like, suffer from skin issues, or feel tired all the time, drop what you’re doing and learn all about what most people (even experts) have gotten wrong about this critical nutrient and what you can do to optimize your intake!
Here are some of the surprising topics we cover…
- Why paying attention to our mineral status is underrated
- The downside of using most vitamin C supplements
- Why copper is one of the most important minerals for vibrant health
- Why there are iron filings in the American food supply
- The difference between organic and inorganic iron
- The role of copper in diabetes prevention
- The truth about copper toxicity (and a little-known common cause)
- The difference between retinol and beta carotene
- How to accurately measure your iron status (we’re not talking about ferritin, either!)
- Why taking vitamin D in isolation is dangerous (and may cause kidney stones)
- The true cause of anemia (that almost no doctor talks about)
- The food we KNOW has healed anemia since 1934
- The 2 nutrients (other than iron) that are necessary to heal anemia
- Why vitamin A deficiency can make fasting LESS beneficial
- Whether or not he thinks a vegetarian diet can be nutritionally adequate
- Why many people cannot convert beta carotene into retinol
- The best dietary sources of bioavailable copper
- Why whole food vitamin C (but not ascorbic acid) can improve copper status
- One of the first nutrients to check if you’re hypothyroid
- 2 often-overlooked (yet critical) nutrients for thyroid health
- Why copper is important for B vitamin metabolism
- How to download his FREE Root Cause Protocol Guide!
- And so much more!
Don't forget to share this important conversation with someone you know who would benefit from this information!
The Root Cause Protocol Instruction Manual
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