EP183: Overcoming Nutrient Depletion from Common Meds With Sarah Morgan
Many prescription medications deplete key nutrients. Birth control, for example, can deplete nutrients like vitamin B9, vitamin C, zinc and magnesium.
Which scares me because if a woman stops taking birth control and gets pregnant right away, she could still be depleted in nutrients (like B9) required for fetal development because of the birth control she was taking.
The side effects of common meds can also be the result of this nutrient depletion.
If you’ve ever felt anxious or moody on birth control (like I did) it might be because about 80% of women taking birth control pills experience altered tryptophan metabolism.
Which is why I could not wait to share a line of products created by my brilliant friend Sarah Morgan, that address the nutrient deficiencies associated with common medications.
So if you’re taking birth control or statin medications (or know someone who is) please tune in (and share) today’s awesome podcast to learn how individuals taking prescription medications can feel good and support their health while still getting the benefits of their medications.
Show Notes:
Check out the Even Health Supplements!
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