EP92: The Best FIRST Step for Vibrant Health with Alex Swanson
This podcast was recorded a month ago and Alex Swanson no longer recommends 23andme, due to changes the company has made to their DNA file. Please Advise!
In today's Podcast, we talk with Alex J. Swanson who is the founder of Nutrition Genome and creator of the software Genetrition™! He is a second generation nutritionist and co-owner of Swanson Health Center, a private family clinical nutrition practice that has been in business for over 40 years. He's also the creator of the popular blog, The Health Beat. He has a Post-B.A.C.C. in Nutrition Sciences from Bastyr University in Washington state, an M.S. in Applied Nutrition and Business Entrepreneurship from Northeastern University, a Certificate in Methylation and Clinical Nutrigenomics, and a Certificate in Genetics and Genomics from Stanford University.
Here are a few of the awesome nuggets you're in for:
- Why some people shouldn't eat grains
- Why certain people do better with less saturated fat
- A type of "safe" saturated fat
- Why certain individuals can drink caffeine and others can't
- Why B vitamins are sometimes critical
- Why synthetic folic acid can be very dangerous
- Why some people need to be very careful about taking antidepressants, blood thinners, and cholesterol-lowering drugs
- Why some people recover from exercise more quickly than others
- Supplements to take to compensate for stress
- Why I can run 5-7 miles with no problems but my husband can't
- Why I SHOULD never play contact sports (this is so fascinating!)
- Why I won't necessarily get Alzheimer's even though I have both genes for it! (YIKES!)
- And so much more!
- Connect with Alex Swanson and More: nutritiongenome.com
- Check out his Blog All About Genetics: nutritiongenome.com/blog
Thanks for listening!
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