EP84: Wine without the HANGOVER with Todd White
My husband and I have run into Todd several times selling his sugar-free wine at health conferences. I was initially VERY skeptical of his "too-good-to-be-true," claims especially because I believe excess sugar consumption is public health enemy #1.
- Is SUGAR-FREE wine even possible?
- Was he actually testing EACH bottle of wine?
- What about his blood sugar response?
- Was he testing that, too?
Turns out he was.Todd is fanatical about high-quality wine AND health. In fact, his desire to drink wine often and have life-long health is why he founded his company. He literally tests every wine to ensure it is truly SUGAR-free! He's also been in ketosis for over 3 years while drinking a bottle of wine each day.
Here's what you'll learn:
- Why Todd is to bring high-quality wine back to the market
- The many issues with conventional wines
- What percentage of American wines are made by the top 3 companies (this will SHOCK you!)
- How to drink wine without a hangover
- Why wines don't have a nutritional label
- Problematic additives found in most wines
- The problem with ORGANIC wines
- The dangerous mycotoxin that our government doesn't test for (but Todd does)
- Why your teeth get purple when you drink wine (and why it's bad!)
- The REAL benefit of wine drinking (spoiler alert: it's not about resveratrol!)
- How irrigation changes the health properties of wine
- Why conventional wines are harming the environment
- How his wines are SUGAR and carb free! (yes, your dream just came true)
- Why the wine industry is a lot like the beef industry
- The problem with most of the yeast used to make wine
- Where he sources his wine
- Why it's important to drink low alcohol wine
- Why the amount of alcohol listed on your wine label may be inaccurate
- How to choose healthy wines at a restaurant
- How to have truly healthy wine delivered to your doorstep
- How to keep burning fat even when you still drink wine
- How to get a bottle of high-quality wine for 1 cent!
- And much more!
- SPECIAL PROMOTION!!! Get your $0.01 Bottle of Wine Here: www.dryfarmwines.com/paleovalley
- Check out all Things Dry Farm Wines: www.dryfarmwines.com
- Like Dry Farm Wines - Facebook: www.facebook.com/dryfarmwines
- Follow Dry Farm Wines -Instagram: www.instagram.com/dryfarmwines
- Contact Todd Here: [email protected]
Thanks for listening!
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