EP316: How to Achieve Omega Balance (And Why It Matters!) with Dr. Anthony Hulbert
You’ve likely heard that polyunsaturated fats (omega-3’s and omega-6’s) are essential for health, but what you might now know is that the balance between them is equally as important.
In fact, over the last few decades our intake of the omega-6 fatty acid, linoleic acid (yes, the one found in seed oils) has increased dramatically while our intake of omega-3’s has dwindled.
Which means most Americans today - have a very imbalanced omega ratio.
According to this week’s podcast expert, author and zoologist, Dr. Anthony Hulbert, who has been studying the omega balance for decades, this is likely one reason rates of inflammation, heart disease, obesity and mental health issues are on the rise.
His book was one of my all-time favorites and I highly, highly recommend you tune in now to learn more about the surprising and well-documented effects of this widespread imbalance and what you can do to improve yours! Here are some of my favorite takeaways:
One major oversight in America’s dietary guidelines
- The different roles, health benefits and effects of omega-3’s and omega-6’s
- Why animal fats are high in monounsaturated and saturated fats
- The sources of omega-6’s and 3’s
- The problem with omega-3 research
- The link between omega-6’s and insulin resistance
- The type of high-fat diets that make rodents gain weight (and the type that doesn’t)
- 3 ways too many omega-6’s cause weight gain
- The link between omega-3’s and mental health
- Why what meat ate matters
- And so much more!
Please take the time to share this important information with everyone you know and love.
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>>> Experience the benefits of Omega-3s with Wild Caught Fish Roe + Get up to 20% off HERE!
Omega Balance by Dr. Anthony Hulbert
>>> Learn how to live a happier, healthier life by finding the right balance of omega fatty acids HERE!
Emeritus Professor Tony Hulbert graduated as a zoologist at UNSW in Sydney, Australia in 1972 after becoming fascinated with understanding how animals work. Following CSIRO-funded post-doctoral research at Cornell University, U.S.A., in 1975 he joined the new Department of Biology at the University of Wollongong Australia. Apart from periods as a visiting scientist at overseas universities (Cambridge, University College London, Univ of California Irvine, Stanford, Columbia, City College NY) he has spent all his working life at UOW. His area of research has been metabolism and longevity of animals and he developed the “membrane pacemaker” theory of metabolism and aging. He has published more than 140 scientific papers, which have received more than 10,000 citations. In 2005 he was awarded a Fulbright Senior Scholar award and in 2006 he was awarded the Clarke Medal (for distinguished research in zoology) by the Royal Society of NSW. In 2023, Johns Hopkins University Press published his book “Omega Balance. Nutritional Power for a Happier, Healthier Life”, about omega-3 and omega-6 fats and their effects on human health.
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