EP251: Why Vitamin D is Critical for the Immune System 〈and How to Get More No Matter Where You Live!〉 with Cort Christie
I think pretty much everyone today is aware that vitamin D is critical for immune (and overall) health. In fact, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of health issues like:
- Heart attack
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Autoimmune disease
Unfortunately, MANY people today are vitamin D deficient and don’t know it.
Not to mention the fact that vitamin D supplements are not always enough.
Which is exactly why I invited Cort Christie (CEO and owner of Sperti Sunlamps) to talk all about the benefits of vitamin D and how to safely improve your levels in the comfort of your own home!
Cort has been in the therapeutic light space for over a decade and has partnered with experts like Dr. Holick (author of the Vitamin D Solution) to create the only FDA-approved at-home sun lamp that has been empirically shown to significantly raise vitamin D levels in only minutes a day!
We have been using it in our home, and LOVING it! (even with my 5 year old son, Maverick!)
There is no more important time to mind your vitamin D status than today, so tune in now to learn all about the importance of vitamin D and what you can do to improve your vitamin D levels now!
Here are some of the fun facts you’ll learn...
- Why vitamin D is critical for immune health
- Why vitamin D supplements are not always enough (and what to do about it!)
- How to test your vitamin D levels at home
- The link between vitamin D deficiency and skin issues
- The common skin product that can interfere with vitamin D production
- The best resource for information on vitamin D deficiency
- The level of vitamin D you want to stay above
- Why so many of us are vitamin D deficient and undiagnosed
- Who is most at risk for vitamin D deficiency
- Why light can positively impact your mood (and serotonin levels)
- The difference between tanning lights and vitamin D lamps
- How to use a vitamin D lamp with your kids
- And so much more!
Please share this podcast with everyone you know who would benefit from this important information! And don’t forget to listen to the end to learn about the special deal Cort is offering our audience!
Stay well!
Valuable Resources:
Learn more about Sperti Vitamin D Sunlamp HERE!
Get 10% OFF with Sperti discount code: PaleoPodcast10
Learn more about Paleovalley Grass Fed Organ Complex HERE!
Try this vitamin D-rich supplement risk-free + get up to 20% OFF today!
Thanks for listening!
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