EP152: Healing Your Pelvic Floor with Isa Herrera
Did you suffer from pelvic pain, menstrual cramps, incontinence, CONSTIPATION, or pain during intercourse?
If so, I want you to know that these issues may be common they are NOT normal.They are not just things you have to put up with as your grow older. In fact, they are often missed signs of a weak pelvic floor.
Now, before you tell me how diligent you are about doing your kegels, please know that for some women kegels can actually make things WORSE.
(I was shocked to hear this, too).
There are actually important nuances to caring for your pelvic floor that you’re not going to read about in most magazines but that you can do everyday in the comfort of your own home. And simple techniques that will not only free you from the annoying symptoms mentioned above, but they will also help you achieve better orgasms.
Who doesn’t want that?
And I know it’s a bit of a departure from our normal podcasts, but this kind of information is just not talked about enough! Women are suffering in silence despite the fact that there are simple things you can do at home every day to improve your pelvic health.
So if any of you are experiencing that symptoms mentioned above (or you just want to know what it takes to give your pelvic floor the love it deserves), drop what you’re doing now and listen to today’s podcast with AMAZING healing and author of Female Pelvic Alchemy (and 4 other awesome books), Isa Herrera.
Isa is incredible and what you’ll learn will shock and empower you!
I hope you love it as much as I did.
Isa Herrera MSPT, CSCS is a licensed physical therapist, as well as an expert in integrative pelvic floor therapies. She developed her expertise in diagnosing and treating incontinence; pelvic pain and pelvic organ prolapse by helping over 14,000 women since 2005 at her NYC healing center Renew PT.
After suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction herself after the birth of her daughter, Isa has made it her life’s mission to help 1 million women overcome pelvic floor disorders. To this end, Isa created the Female Pelvic Alchemy online program, which empowers women to take back their pelvic health and awaken their inner doctor.
Isa pioneered the use of integrative modalities like Maya Massage, Cold Laser Therapy, Sound Healing, and Andean Energy Techniques with evidence-based physical therapy in ways that had never been done before. She brings a mind-body approach to all of her pelvic healing programs.
She is also the author of five books on the topic of pelvic floor dysfunction and pain including the newly released international bestseller, Female Pelvic Alchemy.
Thanks for listening!
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