EP147: Intimacy, Sex and Your Healthy Brain with Dr. Berkson
When it comes to optimizing health today, we’ve all heard a lot about…
- What to eat
- What NOT to eat
- Chemicals to avoid
- The importance of sleep
- The benefits of exercise
And on and on...
But what we don’t hear nearly about enough are the well-documented benefits of intimacy. For example, did you know that the simple act of cuddling can boost testosterone levels? That sperm can improve estrogen levels?
And that regular romps in the hay with someone you feel connected to is one of the BEST things you can do to preserve brain health and prevent dementia?
YES. I know. I was blown away when I heard it, too but the research is clear...
Especially for your brain. Which is why today’s podcast is all about intimacy and how it optimizes health and hormones with the brilliant author of Sexy Brain: How Sizzling Intimacy and Balanced Hormones Prevent Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Depression and Divorce, Dr. Lindsey Berkson.
Dr. Berkson is one of the coolest, smartest, and most seasoned guests we’ve ever had on the show so listen in for exciting tips that put a little more spring in your step and life in your years.
You’ll be very glad you did.
As will your partner.
My husband says I’ve been more playful than ever since I read her book so don’t miss this episode, friends!
Valuable Resources:
Support Hormonal Health with Essential C Complex HERE!
Try the most potent whole-food vitamin C 100% Risk-Free today.
Thanks for listening!
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