EP136: The Magical Power of Adaptogen Koffee With Lopa Van Der Mersch
As you might have guessed, Rasa Koffee is not actually coffee. It’s an adaptogenic coffee replacement created by a new mom who needed a little boost without the caffeine crash. And if you haven’t heard of adaptogens, they are basically magical substances that help your body find balance.
- If you’re fatigued, you’ll feel energized.
- If you need to relax, they’ll help you unwind.
- When you need to focus, they’ll help you find clarity.
Adaptogens have been a lifesaver for me and I couldn’t be more excited to share them with you all! So check out this awesome podcast with Lopa Van Der Mersch (creator of Rasa Koffee) to find out:
- Why reassessing your relationship with caffeine may be a good idea
- How adaptogens actually work
- Which adaptogen has been know to turn grey hair black,
- Which adaptogen is also an aphrodisiac
- The adaptogen that has a long history of use as a beauty tonic
- And which “adaptogens” (as found in common adaptogen products), aren’t actually adaptogens at all.
I hope you love this chat (and Rasa Koffee) as much as I did!
Click this link to save 15% when you order! (Don’t forget to use the code “Paleovalley”): https://rasakoffee.com/paleovalley
In health,
Lopa Van Der Mersch is the mother of a 3 year old, a 6 month old, and a startup, and, somewhat miraculously, is not completely insane. She credits a good portion of her sanity and stable energy to adaptogens, which is a big part of why she started Rasa Koffee—to help you sustain your superpowers with daily adaptogenic beverages.
What keeps her going on hard days are the reviews from our customers saying that Rasa has changed their lives. When she’s not pedaling adaptogens, you can find her doing tea ceremony, cracking "that's what she said" jokes, and/or gushing over her insanely cute boys
Go here to get Rasa Koffee for 15% off! Be sure to use the code "Paleovalley": https://rasakoffee.com/paleovalley
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