EP133: Kicking Candida with Christa Orrechio
You could be dealing with an overgrowth of an opportunistic yeast called Candida Albicans. You may have read online about the anti-candida diet, or perhaps you’ve even tried it to no avail. I’ve been there myself. But I want you to know no matter what you’ve tried before, there is hope.
You CAN kick candida for good.
In fact, today’s podcast guest, Christa Orecchio, creator of the Whole Journey and the Kick Candida for Good Program knows alll about it as she has helped thousands of people heal their candida. Even and especially the tough cases. Her program is the best one I’ve ever found.
So tune in and learn how to tell if you have candida, (she even created a cutting-edge quiz you can take), WHY it matters, and what you need to do to get it out of your life forever.
In Health,
Find Christa here: https://thewholejourney.com/
Connect with her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewholejourney/
Enroll in her program for 20% off using code PV20: https://er148.isrefer.com/go/CandidaCleanse/Paleovalley1/
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