EP115: WHY Pastured Pork with Holly Arbuckle
My love of high-quality bacon and my commitment to health lead me on a search to find the answers. Fortunately, my search lead me to the co-owner of Singing Prairie Farms, LLC and the co-founder of Roam Sticks, LLC., Holly Arbuckle. Holly is so passionate about the many benefits of pastured pork that she moved to an Amish farm (bye bye electricity) just so she could further the movement! Sooooo if you aren't yet buying pastured pork, you're gonna want to hear what she says in today’s insightful podcast.
Here's what you'll learn:
- Fun fact about Holly: 2:55
- Holly’s story: 3:47
- Why and HOW pastured pork benefits the environment : 7:20
- How to get more omega 3's in your pork: 13:24
- The problems with conventional pork and factoring farming: 23:04
- Why pastured pork is so hard to find: 33:01
- Why organic pork isn't ideal: 34:40
- How to find delicious, fermented pork sticks and connect with Holly: 40:45
- And much more!
- Get deliciously fermented pork sticks here: https://roamsticks.com/
- Connect with Holly's farm and more: http://www.singingprairiefarms.com/
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