EP88: How to Beat Food Addiction with Roy Nelson
So if you've tried everything to beat your food addiction to no avail, you have to listen to today's podcast to hear from someone who has been in your shoes and has beaten the odds. His name is Roy Nelson and he was once morbidly obese and addicted to food, drugs, and sex.
Over thirty-five years ago he “cracked the code” of his own addictive personality. As a result, he lost 120 pounds and overcome a myriad of addictions, as well as depression, panic attacks, and phobias. Based on his personal experience of total freedom, Roy developed The Nelson Method—a plan of spiritual mentorship that is designed to help people overcome their own personal hell, even when all other approaches have failed.
Here's what you'll learn:
- Why he became so fascinated by addiction
- The 3 things that underlie ALL addictions
- Why all addictions are far more alike than they are different
- Personality traits of the addicted
- Why many addiction treatments fail
- The most common causes of addiction
- What God and spirituality have to do with addictions
- Whether you have to be religious to be spiritual
- Why Roy always says the "problem is not the problem"
- How we can get to the root of our addiction
- What confidence has to do with addiction
- 3 steps you can take to combat addiction TODAY
- Why it's important to consider the "cost" of your addiction
- Why most people never break free from their addictions
- And much more!
- Learn More About Food Addiction: www.roynelsonhealing.com
- Check out Roy's Book: http://amzn.to/2ezvmeq
- Contact Roy Here: [email protected]
Thanks for listening!
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