EP83: What Your Doctor May Not Know About Heart Disease
Fortunately, today you can hear allll what IS actually responsible for most heart attacks and heart disease with a medical doctor, founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation and author of Human Heart Cosmic Heart, Dr. Cowan. And trust me, if you love your heart (and the hearts of your family and friends <3) you NEED to hear what he has to say. I've done several podcasts about how to prevent heart disease, but this one is awesomely different.
Here are some of the tantalizing tidbits you're in for...
- Why Dr. Cowan became fascinated by the heart
- Why he believes plaque buildup does not cause heart disease (in most cases)
- What does cause heart attacks 90% of the time
- Why diabetes is evidence that we're wrong about heart disease
- What we can do to reduce our risk of heart disease
- The natural medication that everyone with heart disease (or who wants to prevent it) NEEDS to know about and where to get it
- What vagal tone is and why it's important for heart health
- Simple ways to improve vagal tone
- Why nose breathing is good for your heart
- The little-known supplement that can improve heart health
- The preferred fuel for the heart
- A simple at home test for assessing your heart disease risk
- How much work you should do each week for best results
- How to eat to prevent or reverse heart disease
- A simple dietary trick that improves heart health
- Whether or not strict ketosis is necessary for heart health
- Why your heart is more than just an organ
- The shocking thing that happens to those who have heart transplants
- The #1 thing Dr. Cowan thinks you should do to prevent heart disease
- And much more!
- Check out Dr. Cowan's Book & so Much More: www.drtomcowan.com/
- Stay up to date with the Latest Heart News & Research: www.drtomcowan.com/
- Check out Dr. Cowan's Vegetable Line: www.drcowansgarden.com
Thanks for listening!
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