EP76: The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need with Paul Chek
Paul Chek is the founder of the C.H.E.K (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) Institute and an internationally-renowned expert in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology. For over twenty-five years, Paul’s unique, holistic approach to treatment and education has changed the lives of countless people worldwide – many of his clients, his students, and their clients. By treating the body as a whole system and finding the root cause of a problem, Paul has been successful where traditional approaches have consistently failed.
What inspired him to get into holistic health:
- The first book he ever read cover-to-cover
- The problem with our current medical system
- Why having a dream is CRITICAL for optimal health
- The cheapest and most effective form of therapy that most people neglect today
- What he did to NEVER miss a day of professional work in 30 years
- Why the "no pain no gain" mentality is evidence of our cultural pubescence
- A simple way to tell if you're in the stress response
- Why not everyone should exercise
- How to know if YOU will benefit from exercise
- The difference between working out and working in
- How much movement we all need each day
- The last 4 doctors you will ever need
- The main reasons people fail to see the results they're looking for
- A simple tool that helps you tune into your body
- How to eat for optimal health
- The limitations of metabolic testing
- Why he is often accused of being cocky
- What he makes his critics do that keeps them quite
- What happiness is
- What happy people do
- Why the average man can never be successful
- Why our challenges are gifts
- How you can save $6000 a year!
- And much more!
Research/Educational - www.chekinstitute.com
Paul's Get Success Mastery Course: www.ppssuccess.com
Join Paul's Health Community here: www.chekconnect.com
Connect with Paul's Personal Blog here: www.paulcheksblog.com
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