EP304: Meat for Mental Health with Judy Cho
Board certified holistic nutritionist, Judy Cho, struggled with binging and purging cycles and overexercising on a plant-based diet.
At one point, her symptoms became so severe she was sent to an eating disorder facility where she was prescribed antidepressants and antipsychotics.
Nothing seemed to help until she tried an all-meat, Carnivore diet.
Since that time, Judy has experienced a full recovery and written the best-selling book, The Carnivore Cure.
She is now on a mission to teach people about the healing powers of meat, so tune into this week's podcast for her fascinating story and all the juicy details on why meat is important for physical and mental health. Here are some of the highlights…
- The shortcomings of current eating disorder treatments
- The link between vegan diets and mental health
- The origins of our fear around meat
- The dangerous compounds found in plant foods (for certain people)
- Why meat is healing for the brain
- The link between iron issues and brain health
- The link between dietary cholesterol and heart disease risk
- The conditions that may be helped by a carnivore diet
- How to start a carnivore diet
- A day of meals in the life of a carnivore
- How to know if carnivore is right for you
- And so much more!
Judy’s story is fascinating and expertise is invaluable so tune in and don’t forget to share this important information with those you love.
Valuable Resources:
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Nutrition with Judy — Judy Cho
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Judy Cho is board certified in holistic nutrition, a certified nutritional therapy practitioner, and holds a Psychology and Communication degree from the University of California, Berkeley. Judy is the author of best-selling book, Carnivore Cure and founder of Nutriment, the most comprehensive elimination and reintroduction resource tool.
Judy’s holistic health private practice focuses on gut health and root-cause healing with the Carnivore Cure’s meat-only elimination diet.
Judy is the host of two health podcasts, Nutrition with Judy and Cutting Against the Grain, where she focuses on all areas of wellness, while balancing ideal eating with real life.
Judy found that when meat-only carnivore doesn’t fully heal a person, there’s often a deeper root cause issue. Diet can be a big piece of the puzzle in holistic health, but it may not be the last piece. Judy serves her clients by uncovering the missing puzzle pieces to their healing journey.
Judy advocates for wellness for all because everyone deserves a life symptom-free, and diet will always play a pivotal role as it can lessen systemic inflammation in the body.
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