EP297: Myths and Truths about Heart Disease with Dr. Stephen Hussey
We’ve all heard dietary saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease - but what you might not know - is that the evidence for this belief is not as foolproof as we’ve been led to believe.
And given that heart disease is still America’s #1 kill responsible for almost 700,000 deaths per year - understanding what you can do to prevent it is paramount.
In this week’s podcast with the author of Understanding The Heart: Surprising Insights Into The Evolutionary Origins Of Heart Disease - And Why It Matters, Dr. Hussey, we explore 3 little-known (and preventable) causes of heart-based issues and the common misunderstandings keep us stuck.
Dr. Hussey provides invaluable insights given his clinical experience and admitted obsession with the heart, but also because he experienced a heart attack and the shortcomings of current systems and strategies personally in 2020.
This conversation was truly fascinating and I hope you walk away feeling as surprised and informed as I did. 😊 Here are some of my favorite takeaways:
- The key lessons his heart attack taught him
- The 3 keys to preventing heart attack
- The limitations of our current approach
- The link between intense exercise and heart attacks
- The best test for preventing heart attacks
- The biggest misconception around heart disease
- Why heart attacks occur without a blockage
- The #1 risk factor for heart disease
- The food most of us are eating that may be linked to heart disease
- Why collagen is important for the heart
- Lifestyle tips for heart disease prevention
- Why the sauna is especially heart healthy
- The supplement that can prevent clots as well as medications
- The animal-based nutrients that protect the heart
- The link between heart and dental health
- And so much more!
Please share this important information far and wide, friends.
Valuable Resources:
Dr. Stephen Hussey - Resource Your Health
>>> Click to Learn more about Dr. Hussey’s work + Get his books HERE!
Paleovalley Grass Fed Bone Broth Protein
>>> Support lowering the risk of Heart Disease with Paleovalley’s Grass Fed Bone Broth Protein!
Dr. Stephen Hussey MS, DC is a Chiropractor and Functional Medicine practitioner. He attained both his Doctorate of Chiropractic and Masters in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Western States in Portland, OR. He is a health coach, speaker, and the author of two books on health; The Health Evolution: Why Understanding Evolution is the Key to Vibrant Health and Understanding The Heart: Surprising Insights Into The Evolutionary Origins Of Heart Disease - And Why It Matters. Dr. Hussey guides clients from around the world back to health by using the latest research and health attaining strategies. In his down time, he likes to be outdoors, play sports, read, write, and travel.
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