EP293: Eating for Healthy Babies and Mommas with Lily Nichols
Children born to moms with poorly controlled blood sugar during pregnancy have a 6-19x increased risk of diabetes or obesity.
Unfortunately, our current dietary recommendations for carbohydrates during pregnancy are way too high for many individuals which can cause unstable blood sugar.
Many leading organizations also claim that vegan diets are safe for pregnancy, yet, according to registered dietician, Certified Diabetes Educator and author, Lily Nichols, there are many reasons to doubt their safety.
To help feel empowered rather than confused around prenatal nutrition, this week's podcast is devoted to how to eat for the healthiest pregnancy and children possible.
Here are some of my favorite takeaways:
- Why our dietary guidelines for pregnancy are a house of cards
- The nutrient we should be getting 3x more of
- The 4 nutrients you need to avoid anemia
- Two little-known nutrients for bone health (according to new research!)
- How many carbs you actually need during pregnancy
- Why protein recommendations are too low for later pregnancy
- Optimal protein targets for pregnancy
- The consequences of a low-fat diet for women’s hormones
- The nutrient deficiency linked to regressions in infancy and early childhood
- The nutrient 80% of American women do not get enough of during pregnancy
- Are vegan diets safe during pregnancy?
- 3 ways to upgrade your health today
- And so much more!
If you are a mom, planning to get pregnant or know someone who is - please share this podcast so we can help spread the good word.
Happy, healthy New Year, everyone!
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Lily Nichols, RDN
>>> Learn more about real food nutrition for pregnancy & gestational diabetes HERE!
Real Food for Pregnancy Book
>>> Get your FREE chapter HERE!
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Lily Nichols is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, researcher, and author with a passion for evidence-based prenatal nutrition. Her work is known for being research-focused, thorough, and critical of outdated dietary guidelines. She is co-founder of the Women's Health Nutrition Academy and the author of two books, Real Food for Pregnancy and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes. Lily’s bestselling books have helped tens of thousands of mamas (and babies!), are used in university-level maternal nutrition and midwifery courses, and have even influenced prenatal nutrition policy internationally.
Thanks so much for joining us this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share or a question you'd like to ask? Email us at [email protected]!
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