EP287: How to Reduce Chronic Pain Naturally with Dr. Ryan Wohlfert
According to the CDC, an estimated 50 million adults (1 in 5 adults) experience chronic pain and in 2017 more than 191 million prescriptions were written for opioid pain medications that cause 17,000 overdose deaths annually.
Those who suffer from chronic pain not only have a significantly reduced quality of life, but are also 3x more likely to experience anxiety and depression and have double the risk of suicide.
And while many of us believe that pain is just a natural part of the aging process, there are many common, little-known causes and simple strategies you can use to reduce chronic pain naturally.
Tune into this week’s podcast with Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician and Certified Chiropractic BioPhysics® physician, Dr. Ryan Wohlfert to learn about 3 main causes of chronic pain and 3 steps you can take today to start reducing chronic pain. Here are some of the highlights:
- The morning strategy that reduces chronic pain
- How to know if you’re experiencing chronic pain
- The problem with using Tylenol and Advil for chronic pain
- The 3 main causes of pain
- Why pain can be positive
- The link between posture, pain, and lifespan
- 2 ways to assess your posture at home
- The top 3 chemical exposures related to chronic pain
- The link between refined sugar & pain
- The link between pain & mental health
- 3 steps to letting go of (and preventing) trapped emotions
- Regrowing cartilage in the spine
- How to address shin pain
- And much more!
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Valuable Resources:
Paleovalley Turmeric Complex
>>> Click HERE to Support a Healthy Inflammation Response Naturally with Paleovalley’s Turmeric Complex + SAVE 20% TODAY!
Dr. Ryan Wohlfert - Total Health Spine & Nutrition
>>> Click HERE to Learn more about the Natural Solutions to Chronic Pain Masterclass
Ryan Wohlfert is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician and Certified Chiropractic BioPhysics® physician, using a specific protocol for spinal & postural correction to break free from chronic pain, disease, & organ dysfunction. He's also a Certified Mindset Specialist helping people re-train the mind-body connection for optimal health and performance.
With over 20 years of education and clinical experience, Dr. Ryan created “Be Your Own Guarantee.” A system that incorporates healthy lifestyle principles to break free from the dependence on a very broken medical system, and make pain-free living possible.
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