EP281: Why We Vilify Meat and the Truth About Our Nation’s Dietary Guidelines with Belinda Fettke
We’ve all heard the misguided message that meat consumption is killing us, but what you might not know is that these beliefs originated from religion, rather than good science or historical evidence.
In fact, Dr. John Harvey Kellog originally created cereal as a meat alternative because he believed it would reduce sexual desires in kids.
Not to mention there has never been a truly vegan culture.
Which is why in this week’s podcast with researcher Belinda Fettke we delve into the surprising origins of our nation’s Dietary Guidelines and the war on meat.
Belinda’s husband, Dr. Gary Fettke, an orthopedic surgeon in Australia, was reported to the medical board in 2014 for recommending his diabetic patients reduce the sugar in their diet.
This attack prompted Belinda to dig into WHY the science on the benefits of low carbohydrate diets was being ignored.
What she found was that it wasn’t really about science at all.
Tune in now to learn all about the surprising origins of our war on meat and share this podcast with anyone you think needs to hear it!
Here are some of the fun facts you’ll learn about…
- Why the first meat alternative was created
- Why “plant-based” does not equal healthy
- The role of religion in our nation’s dietary guidelines
- Who was behind the attacks on Dr. Fettke
- The flaws in the Eat Lancet report
- The relationship between the Coke and religion
- The vested interests in the “eat less exercise more” message
- And much more!
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Belinda Fettke is the wife of Gary Fettke, an Orthopaedic Surgeon in Launceston, Tasmania, who came under scrutiny by the medical board in 2014 after being reported by a dietitian for offering nutritional advice to improve his patients' health outcomes.
She watched her husband and other low-carb advocates talk about the 'science of nutrition' until they were blue in the face and decided maybe the pushback wasn't about the science at all.
Belinda took a deep dive into the origins of our dietary guidelines and was fascinated to find the vested interests and religious ideology shaping the plant-based messaging. Guidelines demonizing animal proteins and fats in public health.
She created a website isupportgary.com to challenge the medical board's silencing of her husband in 2017 and celebrated with him in 2018 when all trumped-up allegations were dropped and Gary received a formal apology.
Belinda continues to research and hopes to create a new website to share her findings soon belindafettke.com #watchthisspace
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