EP278: The Nutritional Differences in Conventional vs. Pastured Meat with Fred Provenza
A recent human trial demonstrated that eating wild meat (kangaroo) caused lower levels of post-meal inflammation than eating conventionally-raised beef.
In other words, how the animal was raised may have affected the level of inflammation in the body after eating it.
When people ate wild meat they had lower levels of inflammation and when they ate meat raised in confinement, they had higher levels of inflammation.
And while we don’t yet know exactly why this happened, Dr. Fred Provenza, acclaimed author, professor and researcher believes it may have a lot to do with underrated, yet powerful nutrients called secondary compounds.
In fact, though you don’t hear much about them, secondary compounds have been shown to…
- Reduce inflammation
- Provide antioxidant protection
- Protect against cancer
- Improve mood
- Reduce the risk of diabetes
- Help control appetite
- And so much more!
Most importantly, the levels of secondary compounds change dramatically in meat depending upon what the animal ate and how it was raised.
Tune in to this week’s fascinating podcast with Dr. Provenza to learn about the little-known, yet important, differences in grass-fed and conventionally raised meats and what it means for your health. Here are some of my favorite takeaways…
- The benefits of secondary compounds for human health
- The nutritional difference between pastured meats and CAFO meat
- The demonstrated changes in human health when you eat CAFO vs. pastured meat
- The difference between plant-based burgers and grass-fed beef
- The environmental issues with plant-based burgers
- Why (and how) animals benefit environmental health
- Simple ways to get more secondary compounds in our diet
- And much more!
Dr. Provenza is one of my favorite people I’ve ever interviewed!
He’s passionate, educated, humble, kind and way ahead of his time!
Please share this podcast with anyone you think it may benefit.
Valuable Resources:
Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us about Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom
>>> Learn more about Fred Provenza’s book HERE!
Paleovalley 100% Grass Fed Beef Sticks
>>> Reduce post-meal inflammation with Paleovalley Grass Fed Beef Sticks HERE!
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