EP277: The Chicken Industry Exposed with Matt Wadiak
Over 99% of chicken in America is produced by two companies and raised in ways that can negatively impact human and environmental health.
The worst part is, even labels like “cage free” and ‘free range” don’t actually mean what you think they do.
Which is why in this week’s podcast, with CEO of Cooks Venture and pioneering pastured chicken farmer, Matt Wadiak, we break down the major problems with the chicken industry and where you can find truly high-quality chicken. Here are the topics we cover…
- The main problems with the conventional chicken industry
- Free range vs. cage free vs. pasture-raised
- The #1 cause of death worldwide (and how conventional chickens contribute!)
- The 3 additives in the chicken industry you need to know about
- The problem with organic chicken
- The inhumane practices used in big chicken
- Why conventional chicken farmers suffer
- The company that helps verify chicken quality
- What chickens should actually be eating
- The uncommon chicken feed that regenerates the soil
- The nutrients that are higher in pasture-raised chicken
- Why and how chickens can improve environmental health
- Where to find truly pastured and regeneratively raised chicken
- And so much more!
Farmers are heroes and when we learn about our food system and buy animal products that align with our values, we become heroes, too! Please share with someone who you know would love this conversation.
Matt is the founder and CEO of Cooks Venture. Prior to Cooks Venture, he founded and served as COO of Blue Apron, the trailblazing meal-kit company that reimagined the way food is produced, distributed, and prepared for home chefs. Matt’s goal is nothing short of building a food system for the future, changing industrial agriculture and creating a regenerative system to reverse climate change while providing consumers with food choices that are exceptional in quality and taste. He serves on the board of Goodwill International, one of the largest NGOs in the world, which works to educate and develop better employment around the country through a diversity of workforce development and social programs.
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