EP252: The Truth About Detox & Heavy Metals with Wendy Myers
Did you know experts estimate we’re exposed to THOUSANDS of toxins each day.
That’s why healthy detoxification is central to vibrant health. And if we don’t detox, or fail to detox properly, it can result in health issues like fatigue, blood sugar dysregulation, digestive issues, sleep disturbance and much more!
Which is why I invited detox expert and #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue, Wendy Myers, on the podcast this week to discuss the truth about heavy metals and simple ways to detox every single day!
We talk all about...
- The top detox food on the planet
- Signs that you are not detoxing well
- The detox supplement that fights fatigue
- The main mistake most people make when they detox
- The link between heavy metals and fatigue, hormones and blood sugar issues
- Why candida can be a result of heavy metal issues
- The 3 heavy metal that everyone has in their body (and how to get rid of them)
- The 4 basics of a detox protocol
- The 3 tests she recommends to detect heavy metals
- Her basic detox supplemental strategy
- 2 surprising causes of frequent urination
- The ‘right” type of water
- And so much more!
I hope you feel as empowered by this conversation as I did - Please tag someone you love who would benefit from this powerful information
Valuable Resources:
Take the 14-Day Liver Rehab Cleanse Challenge HERE!
An Easy, effective plan for cleansing your liver to burn fat, support immunity, & increase energy.
Save up to 20% on Organic Supergreens NOW!
Supercharge detox in less than 30 seconds a day with this delicious blend of 23 superfoods.
Wendy Myers is founder of MyersDetox.com. She is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist and NES Bioenergetic Practitioner in Los Angeles, CA. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue and the host of theheavymetaslssummit.com. Wendy currently hosts two podcasts, the Myers Detox Podcast about detox and the Supercharged Podcast about NES Health Bioenergetics. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long disease free life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol and Mitochondria Detox after working with thousands of clients.
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