EP111: What’s REALLY in your food with Mira Dessy the Ingredient Guru
Mira is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner who has been working with clients for over 10 years, supporting them in reaching their health goals through holistic nutrition, lifestyle modifications, and chemical cleanup. She teaches people how to navigate the grocery store’s mammoth packaged food stock, decipher confusing food labels, understand the relationship of food additives to poor health, and find real food. We talk about how (and why!) our food supply has become so adulterated, problematic ingredients you want to be SURE to avoid, and where to begin to become a super savvy consumer.
Here are some of the gems you’re in for:
- Mira’s Story: 2:59
- What GRAS status really means (and why it’s not good enough!): 12:37
- How many ingredients have NOT been properly tested for safety: 13:42
- Who is in charge of testing the safety of these ingredients (this will surprise you!): 13:56
- The 2 kinds of ingredients you’ll want to avoid like the plague: 15:20
- Easy Life Hacks, Ingredients you can remove today: 19:37
- What “natural flavor” REALLY means: 30:18
- Mira’s favorite natural flavor: 31:18
- What consumers can do to change the way food manufacturers create food products: 33:27
- What is an Emulsifier: 35:09
- What are Nutrient Depleting Ingredients: 42:26
- Where can you Connect with Mira: 46:56
- Famous Last Question: 48:00
- Connect with Mira Here: www.theingredientguru.com/
- Check out her Book "The Pantry Principle": http://amzn.to/2BvueFH
- Like her on Facebook: /www.facebook.com/miradessy
Thanks for listening!
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