Transformation Tuesday EP6: JLo’s Stylist Uses Food as Medicine!
Can you imagine if after meals it felt like food was trapped in your esophagus!?
And sometimes it was so uncomfortable that you had to vomit or visit the emergency room?
Well this is exactly what happened to one of my best friends, Kelly Johnson, as a result of a condition called eosinophilic esophagitis.
Kelly and I met on Jennifer Lopez's first world tour where she was working as JLo's stylist and I was working as her personal trainer under the guidance of Tracy Anderson. You might have soon her in Jlo's documentary.
And even though doctors we not really able to resolve her issue (and in fact, recommended she start taking steroids), after some diligent experimentation and a few dietary teaks Kelly is virtually flare-up free and feeling like a brand new women!
As a result of spending 7 months on tour with yours truly, Kelly got more than her fair share of "food is medicine" chatter. Even if she doubted the incredible power of dietary change then, she is a true blue believer now.
Thanks for listening!
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