EP99: Are your EMOTIONS ruining your HEALTH with Dr. Graves
Dr. Scott Graves has a bachelor’s degree in health studies and master’s degree from The Florida College of Integrative Medicine. He also has a master’s degree from Liberty University in counseling and psychology. He is a doctor of Oriental medicine and is also an acupuncture physician.
About 11 years ago, someone he cared about was sick with a severe case of ADHD, migraines, asthma, breast tumors and chronic skins rashes. The medication offered relief for one thing, but would cause many other side effects. After having a change of heart, he decided to try anything and everything to help her get well. Juicing, acupuncture, nutritional and supplementation therapy, along with emotional processing were key to helping her heal completely from every one of her health problems. Dr. Scott also healed from 11 years of heavy depression by learning how to release emotions from the body and eating the right things to decrease brain inflammation. He is passionate about helping people heal from a wide variety of health problems and is available for phone consultations.
Here's what you'll learn:
- How we overcame an 11-year struggle with depression
- The ONE emotion that underlies almost all depression
- How we know our emotions affect our health
- Why diet and exercise didn't work for him?
- How to identify the emotions we're holding on to
- The emotion that was holding Dr. Graves hostage
- The 5 levels of health
- What is the Sedona Method?
- What can it be used for?
- How to take ourselves through the process?
- How we can begin fostering emotional intelligence in our children
- What expectation has to do with happiness
- Why how we FEEL is a choice
- Why toddlers have it all figured out
- The average length of an emotion
- The 4 reasons we hold on to emotions
- The emotion underlying diabetes
- Why we need to welcome rather than resist
- His favorite references for letting go
- Connect with Dr. Scott Graves: www.drscottgraves.com
- Set up a consultation W/ Dr. Graves: 407- 255- 0314
- Letting go the Pathway to Surrender By Sr. David Hawkins: http://amzn.to/2AQd5DB
- The Sedona Method By Hale Dwoskin: http://amzn.to/2yJ9nu0
- The Secret Language of Your Body By Inna Segal: http://amzn.to/2hC4Lm6
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