EP97: From Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit with Drew Manning
Drew Manning is the NY Times Best Selling Author of the book, Fit2Fat2Fit and is best known for his Fit2Fat2Fit.com experiment that went viral online. He's been featured on shows like Dr. Oz, Good Morning America, The View and much more. His experiment has become a hit TV show, called Fit to Fat to Fit, airing on A&E!
After being fit his entire life, he gave up everything he knew and developed a hearty appetite for lying on the couch, Mountain Dew and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. He also lost himself, struggled with self-esteem issues that lead him to tell complete strangers that he "didn't always look this way." Most importantly he realized what taking back your health REALLY requires.
So listen in as Drew shares his fascinating insight!
Here are the juicy tidbits you're in for:
- What he ate to gain the weight
- His favorite processed foods
- What he learned when he had to LOSE the weight
- The emotions that plagued him on his journey
- What his family thought about his weight gain
- How it affected his relationship with his kids
- How difficult it was for his to get fit again
- What he ate on a typical day to lose 75 pounds
- What his workouts are like
- 3 strategies for overcoming plateaus
- His thoughts on the keto diet
- Whether or not he uses ketone supplements
- How you can watch other personal trainers gain weight on purpose
- The one piece of advice he feels would have the greatest impact on your life
- And much more!
- Connect with Drew here: www.fit2fat2fit.com
- Check out ALL Drew's Programs: www.fit2fat2fit.com/my-programs
- Read his Book, Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit: http://amzn.to/2igK23Q
- Tune in His TV show - Fit to Fat to Fit: www.aetv.com/shows/fit-to-fat-to-fit
- Drew's Keto Jumpstart Program: keto.fit2fat2fit.com
- Follow Drew on Instagram: www.instagram.com/fit2fat2fit
- See what he's up to on Facebook: www.facebook.com/fit2fat2fit
Thanks for listening!
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