EP95: Become a Fat Burning Beast With Mark Sisson
Mark Sisson is the bestselling author of The Primal Blueprint, a former world-class endurance athlete, and one of the leading voices of the Evolutionary Health Movement. His blog, MarksDailyApple.com, has paved the way for Primal enthusiasts to challenge conventional wisdom's diet and exercise principles while taking personal responsibility for their health and well-being.
Here are some of the fascinating nuggets you’re in for:
- The many benefits of nutritional ketosis
- His favorite side effect of ketosis
- Why you don’t need to be in ketosis forever
- How often you need to be in ketosis to see benefits
- How often you should be exercising
- What HRV is and why it matters
- What he eats in a typical day
- And much more!
- See What Mark's up Too: www.marksdailyapple.com
- Shop ALL Things Primal Kitchen & More: www.primalblueprint.com
- Check out his NEW book: www.ketoreset.com
- Connect with Primal Kitchen Resturants Locations & Franchisee Options: www.primalkitchenrestaurants.com
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