EP87: Heal Your Hunger with Tricia Nelson
Today's podcast guest Tricia Nelson has alllll the answers. She is a recovering emotional eater, an Emotional Eating expert and Certified coach who presents who presents her 25 years of extensive research in her bestselling book, Heal Your Hunger. She and her husband, Roy Nelson (who you'll hear from next week!) have taken the world by storm helping thousands of people free themselves from the shackles of emotional eating and food addiction.
Her book was one of the best I've ever had the privilege of reading and it's not only for emotional eaters but people who just want to be AWESOME at life.This conversation will change the way you look at food (and yourself) forever!
Here's what you'll learn:
- When she realized she was an emotional eater
- How to tell if you're an emotional eater
- Why we eat emotionally
- Personality traits of those who eat emotionally
- The ONE thing you must do to overcome emotional eating
- Why most diets and emotional eating programs fail
- 7 Steps for overcoming emotional eating (and being awesome at life!:)
- What kinds of support system you need to overcome emotional eating
- What communication has to do with emotional eating
- A simple dietary strategy for overcoming emotional eating
- Foods emotional eaters will want to eliminate
- Healthy daily habits that prevent emotional eating
- What "fathead" is and what to do about it
- The one piece of advice Tricia thinks would help you most
- And much more!
- Get Your Free Gift: http://www.healyourhunger.com/smartpeople
- Connect with Tricia Nelson: www.healyourhunger.com
- Read Heal Your Hunger: http://amzn.to/2vGKey1
- Check out her Podcast Here: www.healyourhunger.com/heal-your-hunger-2
Thanks for listening!
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