EP81: Healing PCOS with Amy Medling
Amy Medling, CHC, is the founder of PCOS Diva.com, an online resource dedicated to helping women understand and manage the symptoms associated with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). She studied holistic nutrition at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and is a Certified Health Coach. Diagnosed with PCOS 12 years ago, Amy thought she found relief when her doctor prescribed Metformin and the birth control pill. Instead of relief, she felt trapped inside a body that rejected these artificial treatments.
This is when her Diva journey began. Her dedication and research produced a proven treatment plan that uses whole food, natural remedies, supplements, exercise, self-care, positive thinking, and stress reduction to relieve and control PCOS symptoms.
Amy is on a mission to empower women with PCOS and has an incredible story and insight that you don't want to miss!
Here's what you'll learn:
- Amy's powerful struggle with PCOS
- What is PCOS?
- How common is it?
- The most common symptoms associated with PCOS
- Why there is a movement to change the name of this condition
- Why you don't have to have ovarian cysts to have PCOS
- Why 50% of those with PCOS are undiagnosed
- The diseases that many women with PCOS suffer from
- The consequences of PCOS
- The different types of PCOS
- The most common (and not-so-common) causes of PCOS
- Why it's critical to avoid chemicals and toxins if you have PCOS
- A novel way to reduce stress
- The side effects of birth control pills
- Why birth control and Metformin do not work for many women
- The risks of birth control pills
- The labs you'll want to ask your doctor for
- Why it's CRITICAL to be your own advocate
- A simple way to test your thyroid at home
- What your plate should look like if you're trying to manage PCOS
- 7 supplements that are helpful for PCOS
- Superfoods for gut healing
- The one food you need to emphasize if you have PCOS
- The foods everyone with PCOS should be avoiding
- Why not everyone has with PCOS needs to be low carb
- A morning tonic that can restore insulin sensitivity
- Why it's imperative that you believe you can heal your PCOS
- The number of people she has NOT been able to help manage their PCOS with the strategies we discussed in this interview (this will surprise you!)
- Why she is on a mission to spread awareness about PCOS!
- And MUCH more!
Connect With Amy Medling: www.pcosdiva.com
Learn more about PCOS and how to manage it here:
- PCOS 101 Guide to Health and Hope | Read More on PCOS Diva: www.pcosdiva.com/hope
- Amy's line of supplements: www.pcosdiva.com/shop
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