EP61: How to Stay Healthy with HERBAL MEDICINE with Jane Barlow Christensen
Jane Barlow is the son of Dr. Max Barlow founder of Barlow Herbals. She has grown up around herbs her entire life and learned her father’s trade working side by side with him in the field. From learning the precise harvest seasons for each herb types to the distinct ways to dry, process and create powerful concentrated extracts, Jane truly understands how to capture the strength from the Earth. She spends years of research carefully formulating healthy products that she uses and endorses. Her 30-something sons have also NEVER taken antibiotics!
I begged Jane to come on the show and talk all about herbal remedies for today's common ailments!
So if you hate being sick, having headaches, migraines, Candida, parasites or feeling tired, or treating any of the aforementioned conditions with medications that have side effects, listen to the podcast so you can create your Herbal Arsenal!
Here's what you'll learn:
- Why she started making herbal products
- How her thirty something sons have NEVER taken an antibiotic
- Why herbs can be a great alternative to modern medications
- Where many pharmaceutical drugs are actually derived
- The herb that aspirin is derived from
- How to treat colds and flus naturally
- The plant that saved MANY lives during the flu epidemic
- Whether or not you need a flu shot?
- Why she only recently began selling her products direct to customer
- How to prevent the cold and flu
- An effective remedy for viruses (including ear infections!)
- Effective herbs for parasites and candida
- What to do to PREVENT parasites and candida
- How to do a parasite cleanse
- How many of us are hosting a parasite
- Remedies for tummy troubles and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome!)
- Herbs to increase energy
- The #1 cause of headaches
- An amazing herb to alleviate headaches and migraines for good!
Check out Jane's website's here and use COUPON CODE: PALEOVALLEY20 for 20% OFF one-time purchase.
Thanks for listening!
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