EP305: Defending Beef & Animal Agriculture with Nicolette Hahn Niman
We’ve all heard cows emit more greenhouse gasses than cars and cow farts are destroying the planet, but these often-cited *facts* are simply inaccurate.
Beef can be an environmentally-destructive or environmentally-friendly food depending on how it's raised.
So in this week’s podcast author, attorney and rancher, Nicolette Hahn Niman, busts myths about beef and animal agriculture so you can understand the true environmental and human health consequences of the meat you eat. Here are a few of my favorite topics:
- The environmental consequences of factory farms
- Do cows emit more greenhouse gasses than cars?
- The human health consequences of factory farms
- The banned additives used in factory farms
- The 2 meats almost always raised in factory farms
- The bacterial infection linked to factory farms
- The truth about beef & methane
- The 3 issues with the methane argument
- The benefits of cows for the environment
- Why she gave up vegetarianism
- Why meat helps us age more gracefully
I LOVED this conversation and hope you do, too! Please share this valuable information with anyone you think might benefit.
Valuable Resources:
Paleovalley Beef Sticks
>>> Add 100% Grass Fed & Finished Red Meat to your diet with Paleovalley Beef Sticks HERE!
Defending Beef: The Ecological & Nutritional Case for Meat by Nicolette Hahn Niman
>>> Click HERE to Learn More + Get the Book NOW!
Nicolette Hahn Niman is a writer, attorney, and livestock rancher. She authored the books Defending Beef: The Case for Sustainable Meat Production (2014) and Righteous Porkchop: Finding a Life and Good Food Beyond Factory Farms (2009), as well as numerous essays for the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Los Angeles Times. She has also written for The Atlantic, The San Francisco Chronicle, and The Earth Island Journal, among others. She is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences, and was one of just 23 speakers from around the world at the Nobel Week Dialogue 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden. She has appeared on The PBS Newshour, The Dr. Oz Show and in numerous films and documentaries, including Eating Animals and Sustainable. Previously, she was Senior Attorney for the environmental organization Waterkeeper, where she focused on agriculture and food production; before that, she was an environmental lawyer for National Wildlife Federation. Hahn Niman served two terms on the City Commission for Kalamazoo, Michigan. Today, she lives in Northern California with her two sons, and her husband, Bill Niman, founder of the natural meat companies Niman Ranch and BN Ranch.
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