EP174: Sick of Being Sick With Dr. Walding
Dr. Brenda Walding went from being an athlete to developing an antibiotic-resistant infection that left her covered with rashes. Her hair was falling out, she was constantly in pain and no doctor could help her.
She literally thought she was going to die.
After finally healing from her infection via natural remedies, dialing in her diet and doing “all the right things,” she developed breast cancer.
But today she’s healthy, the author of Sick of Being Sick, and a women’s Holistic Wellness & Empowerment Coach. How did she finally get well?
You’ll just have to tune in to this week’s podcast to find out!
HINT: It’s something you can all do right NOW from the comfort of your own home. And something you must do if you want to live the healthiest (and most fulfilling) life possible 😊
Show Notes
Free copy of her book: Sick of Being Sick: The Woman's Holistic Guide to Conquering Chronic Illness
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