EP154: The Hormone Fix With Dr. Anna Cabeca
According to Dr. Cabeca, for 50% of women today, symptoms like...
- Weight gain
- Hot flashes
- Breast tenderness
- Fatigue
- Reduced sex drive
- Insomnia
- Incontinence
Seem to be just part of growing older.
Did you know that these common, annoying symptoms are not actually a “normal” part of aging, but are instead symptoms that your hormones are out of whack?!
In fact, there are 3 key hormones women (like you!) must optimize in order to navigate life’s fluctuating hormones gracefully. And you’ll probably be shocked when I say this but I am NOT referring to estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, or testosterone.
No, no I’m not!
So, what are these 3 life-altering hormones, you ask? You’ll just have to tune into this week’s podcast with author of The Hormone Fix (and all around AWESOME lady), Dr. Cabeca to find out!
Dr. Cabeca was told by fellow doctors that she would just have to live with symptoms like depression, fatigue, hormone imbalance, weight gain, and chronic pain. No one could help her. But after doing her own research, she found strategies that allowed her to reclaim her hormonal health and she’s dying to tell you all about them!
Trust me. This is not just another run-of-the mill interview about hormonal balance. Her strategies are unique, cutting edge, and science-based and her brave story will inspire you.
If you’re a woman, you NEED to hear this!
So click the link, listen in, and share this empowering information with all of the women you love!
Here’s to thriving through all of life’s little changes!
Show Notes:
Get the FREE eBook, "What's Happening to My Hormones" HERE!
Thanks for listening!
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