EP110: Keto for Cancer With Miriam Kalamian
Miriam is a nutrition consultant, educator, and author specializing in the implementation of ketogenic therapies. Miriam earned her master of education (EdM) from Smith College and her master of human nutrition (MS) from Eastern Michigan University. She is board certified in nutrition (CNS) by the Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists. Miriam’s knowledge base is EXTENSIVE and her passion is palpable so if you, your child or someone you know or love has cancer then PLEASE have a listen! This is life-saving information, my friends!
Here’s what you’re in for:
- Introduction (Her Story): 3:04
- Approaching your Oncologist about Keto: 12:04
- The Warburg Effect: 21:56
- Get Moving and why: 24:53
- Benefits of Keto: 25:57
- What is Ketogenic?: 27:34
- Benefits of Intermittent Fasting: 29:01
- Keto recommendations: 32:27
- The role of Age and Ketosis: 34:11
- What about Dairy and Coffee: 35:22
- Some Real Life Approaches: 38:33
- How Much Protein should you be consuming: 41:17
- Can Ketosis stabilize blood sugar: 44:38
- What Miriam Recommends: 48:45
- What is a Chronometer and Why you should use it: 53:19
- What Supplements should you be taking on Keto for Cancer: 57:36
- How to Get Kids on board with these changes: 1:00:55
- Connect with Miriam: 1:06:47
- Connect with Miriam Here: www.dietarytherapies.com/
- Search her Libary of Podcasts, Interviews, and Videos: www.dietarytherapies.com/media/
- Check out her Book "Keto for Cancer": http://amzn.to/2BMj6VJ
Thanks for listening!
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