EP106: Soul Frequency with Shana Ekedal
Shana Ekedal is a trailblazer in the area of mind, body, and spirit wellness. She is the creator of the Intuitive Frequency Coaching method, which blends intuitive insights with actionable steps to clear unconscious patterns, heals body and mind, accesses inner guidance and creates a powerful life. Shana is the host of Be Well Live, a show dedicated to empowering people to live authentically and The Soul Frequency Show podcast dedicated to helping people raise their vibrational frequency. Her guests include NYT bestselling authors, celebrities, and holistically minded visionaries.
Shana knows all about what it takes to get unstuck and this podcast will change your life!
Here are some of the nuggets you’re in for:
- Her “secret sauce” to finding happiness and lasting health
- Why Albert Einstein says your “energy” matters
- What the “creation equation” is and how you can use it to cultivate a beautiful life
- How to know if you’re due for a breakthrough
- Her 4 step process for lasting health and happiness
- How to find your truth and why it’s imperative for lasting health
- Why we often live out of alignment with our truth
- How to begin living your truth
- What to do when uncomfortable emotions arise
- The difference between release and letting go
- What to do when you’ve hit rock bottom
- Why ALIGNMENT (her final step) is critical even though most people skip it
- What to say to the people in your life who are trying to keep you down
- And SO much more!
- Connect with Shana: https://shanaekedal.com/
- Like her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shanaekedalinc/
- Tune into her show, "Soul Frequency": https://shanaekedal.com/soul-frequency-show/
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